Our Thoughts On Archive

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SD Medallion Services

Articles 1 - 10 of 34

Taxpayers can continue to deduct interest paid on home equity loans under the recently enacted Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

For tax years beginning after Dec. 31, 2017 and before Jan. 1, 2026, the original language of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (the Act) indicated that “home


The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has announced the optional 2018 standard mileage rates (Notice 2018-03) used to calculate the deductible costs of operating

IRS May Audit Deceased Spouse's Estate Tax Return if Portability Elected

The Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010 introduced a new concept known as “portability” to the

RETIREMENT ACCOUNT LOANS--Should you use them?

The list is long--kids in college, a move to a newer house or a remodel of the current one, family members to support, and vacations to be taken before
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Financial Wellness Check-up: Ten Steps to Financial Health

Just as you visit your primary care physician for an annual checkup or have your car inspected annually, it's as important to review your financial

The Florida Electronic Wills Act

Anyone who hasn’t lived on a deserted island for the past two decades has surely observed how the digital age has transformed nearly every aspect

DISC Commissions not subject to IRS Recharacterization

On February16th, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the Tax Court Summa Holding, Inc. (Summa) decision which disallowed the payment of commissions

Ensuring Marital Bliss Through Social Security Compliance

Over the past year, I, along with a number of other Schneider Downs employees, took the big plunge. That is, we got married! After a hectic year of planning,
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How would you spend 8,000 days? Joseph F. Coughlin, Ph.D., the founder and director of the MIT AgeLab, has reframed the understanding of our lifespan by
If you are age 70½ the federal government has given you a permanent gift with new legislation that may give you a break on your income tax. At that
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